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Pushed to the Breaking Point!

I have just been pushed to the breaking point.   It took the death of my ex-husband and friend, Tom, to cause it.   Now that he is gone, rumors his mother has spread about me over the years are being brought to my attention.   My ex mother-in-law is one of three things: delusional, a liar or a covert narcissist – I lean toward the latter. I was always baffled as to why NONE of my sibling-in-laws seemed to like me or were even rude to me.   One sister-in-law threw out all the baby clothes I sent her for her first born.   Another sister-in-law actually told me that maybe I was finally growing up or maturing when I shared a poem about the loss of my father.   There is no telling what the hell she has said to my daughter and son-in-law, who now live in California . . . and I fully believe it is her intention to turn my own grandchildren against me with time. For the record, Tom and I NEVER BORROWED ONE RED CENT from Mr. or Mrs. Almaraz while we were married.   We did not take hun
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*Red Oak Leaf in Freezing Rain*